Friday, June 1, 2012

Home made tote bag...via pinterest... a frugal way

i have seen these all over pinterest and it sparked my interest to do the same for my own. I just love them for my fruits and veggieshen we go on a picinic or when i m carrying things over to my sisters house. Here are the brillent frugal (because its made from an old tshirt) instructions on how to make it...

1 Cut a large dome shape out of the body of the t-shirt.
#2 Sew around 3 (rounded) sides (I sewed a small seam and then when back over and zig-zagged the edge.)

#3 Mark cuts with WASHABLE pen/pencil.
#4 Snip slits with scissors or with rotary cutter. (The rotary cutter was a super slick way to do this. I got my cutter and the small cutting mat for less than $20 at Walmart or if you are really frugal/cheap like me then i used a razor blade and a cutting board.)
#5 Cut off top corners and an opening for the handle

#6 S T R E T C H the bag to open up the “vents” (and make it look ruffly and pretty! It will look
even more ruffly after being washed and dried.)

 so if any of you frugal mamas make one of these bad boys share the news with the rest of us!!

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