Sunday, July 22, 2012

Yes I actually live a "frugal" life

I have had many a questions or statements in my adulthood life. Never once was saving money or buying things second hand in my choices as a teen. We all know in high school or growing up you had to have the best of the best or no one would like you, or you weren't popular.... Well thats how it was when I was in high school, if you didnt meet the criteria of popularity you didnt fit in unless you had the expensive.....everything.... frugal wasn't even a word that existed to any of us teenagers.

Well that was a marriage, two kids and bills up the creek ago and I love living a frugal life. My husband sometimes asks me " Aren't you afraid of someone calling you cheap skate"? Umm thats a BIG FAT NO!!!! Because of being frugal and couponing and buying second hand household items we are blessed enough to go on yearly family vacations every September on ONE income. We have the same bills and obligations as many others. He have Rent, Car payments..bills and even child support that my husband has to pay.

But we manage, we even manage to bless others with our stockpile when needed. Here I am giving a little clip around my kitchen to show just how frugal I really am. Everything in my kitchen, was purchased at a discount store, or was a BLACK FRIDAY buy or a yardsale or someone was wonderful enough to make it for me so which means I didnt pay full price for ANYTHING!!!

Seriously from my microwave down to the dining room table and all the little things in between all my decor was either made for me or by me or were gifts to me. Real life is about enjoyment, so why not cheerfully live less?!

God is Good all the time!!

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