1 cup baking soda (cleans, deodorizes, softens water, scours)
1 cup white vinegar (cuts grease, removes mildew, odors, some stains and wax build-up)
spray bottle (optional)
toilet brush
Step 1: Turn the shutoff valve found under the toilet clockwise until it will no longer turn. The toilet’s water now is shut off.

Step 2: Flush the toilet and continue to flush, until the bowl no longer fills.

Step 3: Sprinkle 1 cup of baking soda all around the inside of the bowl, then either SPRAY or POUR white distilled vinegar into the toilet. (There will be some bubbling reaction which is perfectly safe!) I prefer to SPRAY the vinegar, because then I can spray up under the rim. I like to use one of those heavy duty spray bottles sold near the cleaning supplies at the grocery store. They provide a strong spray stream.

Step 4: When the bubbling has subsided, scrub the toilet with a toilet brush. Leave the vinegar and baking soda in the toilet for a few hours or even overnight.
Step 5: Scrub the the toilet one more time. Turn the shutoff valve back on, and flush the toilet.

You have just cleaned your toilet bowl for PENNIES and without ANY chemicals.
I have also found that for tough STAINS…THE very best solution is a PUMICE STONE. Seriously, if you don’t have one, you need to get one.
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Ingredients (one bottle):
1/2 tsp of liquid castile soap (I would omit this tiny amount of castile soap after reading this article)
1 tsp Borax
1 tsp of washing soda
1/2 cup white vinegar
2 cups hot water
25-30 drops of essential oil (Tea Tree, Grapefruit, or Eucalyptus would be good.)
24 oz spray bottle
Mix the castile soap, Borax, washing soda, and vinegar in a large bowl or measuring cup. Slowly add the water and stir. Allow it to cool and then add some essential oils. Using a funnel pour it into the spray bottle
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