Monday, May 28, 2012

How to clean your washing machine

Instructions on how to clean your washing machine

Step 1: Fill the washing machine up and pour in 2 cups of white vineagar

Step 2: Start the washing machine over again and let it run through a complete cycle.

When I drained my washing machine it still had some grime on it so I got a sponge out and scrubbed it down really well. I added straight white vinegar to my sponge and the grime came off pretty easily.

{Make sure to rinse thoroughly with water after scrubbing with the vinegar because you don't want the vinegar to mix with any of the bleach in the next step!}
Step 3: Fill washing machine up again and pour in 2 cups of bleach. {I only used about 1 cup} Let it soak for 1 hour.

Step 4: While the washer is soaking use a couple of Q-Tips and detail all the nooks and crannies of the washer

Step 5: Restart washing machine and let it run through a complete cycle.

I have to say I'm pretty happy with the results!

Now that I know how easy this is to do I'd recommend washing your washing machine at least once a year. It's the perfect thing to add to your spring cleaning list!

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