Thursday, January 5, 2012

The "Kool"aide way to clean your dishwasher

Since I am all about being Frugal, I recieved this in an email from a friend, of a friend of a friend, I was utterly amazed at it I had to share, but not with out giving the credit to the cents able shoppen." Sometimes, what I keep in my house are packets of lemon Kool-Aid. They’re relatively inexpensive – when in a pinch, and out of juice, my kids will drink it.
It also functions as a dishwasher cleaner. Now I don’t use my dishwasher at all – in fact, I despise using that thing because I feel like it does a lousy job… but that could very well be my dishwasher.
Lemon Kool-Aid, on it’s own, works better than any other commercial dishwasher cleaner you’ll ever buy.
Pour it in the tray of the dishwasher and run an empty cycle. A FREE packet of Kool Aid has citric acid ~ the citric acid cleans lime deposits & iron stains – in fact, it’s the only flavor that works (so don’t buy anything else, stick with lemon)."

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