Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Smallows Home......Devotional

Psalms 84:1-3 One of the toughest tasks a mother of young children faces in the challenge of finding a few minutes to spend with God each day. Our hearts resonate with the Psalmist's heart when he expresses how he yearns and faints for time with God.

Maybe finding time to spend with God isn't as complicated as we make it. The Psalmist goes on to tell us that the Swallow simlply builds her nest-where she can be with her young-near Gods alter.

We don't have to stop everything to find a quiet sot to be with God. Us Mother with young children can enjoy or make a lovley dwelling place of God by building their home near his alter everyday. I pray while folding the laundry, washing the morning dishes, and form of a housechore because thats what I mostly do during the day. There are times I put my headphones on or listen to the bible on my hone to get my daily dose of the bible fed into me. I sing songs from the previous Sunday service and before I know it even my little one is making in the words that best fits him.

If we build our house near God's alter, we won't have to move somewhere to be in his presence.

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