Thursday, August 9, 2012

Simple Potatoe Salad... By Stormi Clonts

Simple Potato Salad

5-10 potatoes
5-10 eggs (I do 1 egg per 1 potato)
Sweet or Dill relish (I use dill)
Sliced black olives (Optional)
Chopped Onions (Optional)
Seasoning (salt and peper is what I use)

Peel (optional) and cube your potatoes. Boil in water until you can easily stick a fork through. (Not too easy though, you don't want mashed potatoes)

Boil eggs for about 15 minutes. Peel, rinse, and chop.

In large bowl add potatoes, eggs, relish to taste, seasonings, olives, onions, mayo (taste/texture), and mustard (taste/texture). Stir well.

Place in fridge for a few hours to cool. Then serve :)

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