Friday, November 2, 2012

Fried Onion Rings/Petals....Jennifer Sabin

Fried Onion Rings/Petals

1 Onion, Spanish or Bermuda

Cut large onion crosswise into 1/3 or 1/4 inch slices or in 8ths top to bottom. Separete into rings or petals. Dry onion thoroughy and coat with flour. Using tongs, dip rings into "Thin Fritter Batter", letting excess drip off. Fry a few at a time in deep fat or oil until golden, about 2 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Enjoy!

Thin Fritter Batter

1 cup flour
1 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 egg
1 c. milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil

Blend dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix eggs, milk and oil. Add to dry ingredients and beat with a wisk until smooth

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