Sunday, October 21, 2012

Homeschooling :)

So, we have finally recieved both of my boys homeschooling materials! You should have heard the heeping and howling they did, as if it were Christmas morning!!! So I was even more suprised when the school sent us a free computer system.... but the then I though "Crud where am I going to put it now".? Space is very limisted in our humble home..
So I sent the husband a looken at thriftstore.. I posted on facebook I was in need of a desk and we both turned up with nothen!!!

Then by chance this fell into my lap and I only had to pay..... $0.00... yep I have an awesome aunt you gave it to me...... so what you are looking at here in this picture EVERYTHING for their schooling was free I didnt have to spend a penny. :)

That's my kind of frugal!!!

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