Friday, May 11, 2012

home made fabric softner

Items you will need:
(2) cups of hair conditioner
(3) cups of distilled white vinegar
(6) cups boiling water
(1) Mixing utensil
(1) Bucket/Pail/Pot
(1) Empty Bottle (I used an old clean bleach container)
First of all, you will notice in my picture I only have a 12oz bottle of conditioner! Well, I am terrible at math! Not to worry, I had extra bottles so I grabbed a ½ cup out of another bottle!
Many of the recipes you will see out there say cold water is fine, I on the other hand prefer to have the water hot because it helps break down the condtioner, meaning less stirring for me!
STEP 1. Pour the 6 cups of boiling in water into the pail
STEP 2. Add the condtioner
STEP 3. Add the vinegar
STEP 4. Start stirring

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