Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to make brown Sugar!!!

August 2, 2010
How to Make Brown Sugar
Now wait just a second.
Why did no one tell me how dang easy it is to make my own brown sugar?
I sorta blew my own mind this morning. It turns out that granulated sugar and molasses when combined with a bowl and fork (or mixer, if you’re feelin’ fancy) produces the freshest and fluffiest brown sugar. Man… that’s satisfying.
And! Bonus! You can make the brown sugar as dark and flavorful as you like by controlling the amount of molasses.
This is just too good… and I’m just dorky enough to freak out at this kind of thing.
How to Make Brown Sugar

How to Make Brown Sugar
Alright . Let’s put on out big, fat, brainiac caps. This is about to get tough. We’re mixing together two ingredients. In a bowl. With a fork… or a mixer. If you use a mixer, you’ll still need a fork. Don’t fight it.
How to Make Brown Sugar

How to Make Brown Sugar

1 cup granulated cane sugar
1 Tablespoon unsulfured molasses
In a medium sized bowl, mix together the sugar and molasses. It’s that easy. There’s a part in this process where the molasses is super gunky and clumpy. You’ll think to yourself: Joy, you were wrong… this is coming out all wrong. Don’t worry. keep mixing it all together. It will even itself out. Work it until completely incorporated and no big molasses globs remain. For dark brown sugar, add another tablespoon of molasses. Use as you would in your favorite cake and cookie recipes. Store in an airtight container or in a ziplock bag with the air pressed out. Dang that’s easy!

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