Saturday, April 7, 2012

Home made hand sanitizer

Any where i dont have to send money over and over again especially around cold or flu season, i get giddy to have something fall in my lap so that i can share it with you girlies!!!

So here's an idea of a safe and natural home made hand sanitizer.

the active ingrediant (alcohol) needs to be atleast 60% of the liquid volume to be a disinfectant (but alcohol still wont kill germs)the ratio here makes it 60%.....

* 1/3 cup of aloe vera gel
* 2/3 cup 91% rubbing alcohol
* essential oil optional

Mix aloe vera and rubbing alcohol and put it in a pump or squeeze bottle.

to me it doesnt feel as if it drys your hands out like the purel does to me. give a whirl sometime!!!

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