Thursday, April 19, 2012

Monkies recipe (we cant ask LOL) by Erika Reiher

2lbs ground meat
*1 Family Size can of Cream of Mushroom...

*Chopped onion

*Chopped Green chili


Cook up your meat on the stove adding whatever seasonings you like (I like, seasoned salt, garlic powder and lemon pepper)
While that cooking add your onion and green chili
**strain all the grease from meat then return to stove**
Add can of cream of mushroom...heat for about 2-3 min.
Then grab your tortillas, and make some burritos!!!!
Lol (sometimes after making the burrito-I butter all sides and toast the sides on a skillet)
**also good with Red Devil sauce** Simple as heck and tastes pretty darn good!

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