Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Surprise Toffee

I am the kind of wife and mama, that makes the 3 course meal plus dessert at the end of each day. So my kids expect a dessert it seems after dinner, I made this one time and I usually give the family a sample to see reactions if its yay or nay! The tray was gone before diner even started.
whole full sleeve of saltine crackers
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 pkg of chocolate chips
1 cup finley chopped walnuts (optional)
1. Line jelly roll pan with foil and spray with pan spray. Place saltine crackers close togethercovering entire pan.
2.bring butter and sugar to a boil for abouy 2 1/2 min. pour over the crackers.
3.Bake at 4oo for 5 minutes. Pour chocolate chips on top spread as they melt. Then sprinkle with nuts. Let cool for about 15 minutes then enjoy!
I really hope you like this one its so suer easy!

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